WORKSHOP com Lívia & Fred
Oficina de música popular brasileira
Com Lívia Nestrovski e Fred Ferreira
Esta oficina ensinará canções brasileiras de diversos géneros, além de oferecer ferramentas para a aprendizagem do canto na música popular brasileira. A partir de exercícios que promovem a criatividade e a percepção dos sons da língua e da musicalidade brasileiras, aprenderemos sobre a articulação das sílabas e a base rítmica de alguns géneros como samba, maxixe, ijexá e xaxado.
Após esta imersão, seguiremos para o repertório dentro dos géneros propostos, com canções de Dorival Caymmi, João Bosco, Ary Barroso, Luiz Gonzaga, Djavan e outros mestres da MPB.
Os exercícios serão sempre cantados por todos os participantes, em geral de forma coletiva, mas com alguns momentos também para a exploração individual.
Pré-requisitos: experiência profissional ou amadora com o canto.
Também são permitidos ouvintes.
in partnership with Escola Profissional de Artes da Covilhã
with FILIPE QUARESMA and mentoring session by Vanessa Pires
Mindfulness workshops
The acquisition of a wide range of skills in the field of personal development and self-knowledge, with practical application in the professional activity of musicians, is the starting point for these workshops, which aim to overcome the sporadic and non-core approach to these themes in higher artistic education, which is mostly focused on the development of strictly musical skills.
Each workshop will be taught by a specialist trainer trained in the areas of the respective workshops, combining their vast experience with work as/with professional musicians, where they also apply the techniques and skills facilitated.
Workshop goals:
- Increase self-awareness
- Reduce stress through meditative practices, relaxation and presence
- Apply mindfulness principles and coaching strategies to the activity of (pre)-professional musicians
- Encourage the implementation of healthy physical practices in the professional activity of musicians (posture, balance, movement, etc.)
- Improve musical performance through the conscious use of physicality
- Experimenting with different tools and strategies (mental/physical/emotional) with a view to improving artistic performance
- Becoming aware of group dynamics/collective creation (co-creation)