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WORKSHOP com Lívia & Fred




Oficina de música popular brasileira 

Com Lívia Nestrovski e Fred Ferreira

Esta oficina ensinará canções brasileiras de diversos géneros, além de oferecer ferramentas para a aprendizagem do canto na música popular brasileira. A partir de exercícios que promovem a criatividade e a percepção dos sons da língua e da musicalidade brasileiras, aprenderemos sobre a articulação das sílabas e a base rítmica de alguns géneros como samba, maxixe, ijexá e xaxado.

Após esta imersão, seguiremos para o repertório dentro dos géneros propostos, com canções de Dorival Caymmi, João Bosco, Ary Barroso, Luiz Gonzaga, Djavan e outros mestres da MPB.

Os exercícios serão sempre cantados por todos os participantes, em geral de forma coletiva, mas com alguns momentos também para a exploração individual.

Pré-requisitos: experiência profissional ou amadora com o canto.

Também são permitidos ouvintes.

in partnership with Escola Profissional de Artes da Covilhã


with FILIPE QUARESMA and mentoring session by Vanessa Pires




Mindfulness workshops

Cabeçalho Google Forms Workshops de Mindfulness (1).png

The acquisition of a wide range of skills in the field of personal development and self-knowledge, with practical application in the professional activity of musicians, is the starting point for these workshops, which aim to overcome the sporadic and non-core approach to these themes in higher artistic education, which is mostly focused on the development of strictly musical skills.

 Each workshop will be taught by a specialist trainer trained in the areas of the respective workshops, combining their vast experience with work as/with professional musicians, where they also apply the techniques and skills facilitated.

Workshop goals:

- Increase self-awareness

- Reduce stress through meditative practices, relaxation and presence

- Apply mindfulness principles and coaching strategies to the activity of (pre)-professional musicians

- Encourage the implementation of healthy physical practices in the professional activity of musicians (posture, balance, movement, etc.)

- Improve musical performance through the conscious use of physicality

- Experimenting with different tools and strategies (mental/physical/emotional) with a view to improving artistic performance

- Becoming aware of group dynamics/collective creation (co-creation)


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